On Saturday, September 3, Seymour Field and Game held its Annual Supershoot at its grounds in Avenel, and 358 keen clay target shooters turned up for a 100-target event on a lovely but cool day.
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The volunteers did a fantastic job of setting four grounds, and the canteen did a roaring trade.
Special mention must go to the generous sponsors on the day: Outdoor Trading Co, which donated the prize shells; Seymour Hardware Group, which donated a Weber Baby Q and accessories; Betta Home Living Seymour, and its donation of LED television; Tahbilk Winery; Seymour Ag; Taurus Meats; and Fat Rat Kilmore.
Winner of the event was Wayne Stiff with 91/100.
– Aa grade: 1st Adam Hale 90, 2nd Aaron Edmondson 89.