The Japanese encephalitis vaccine will now be available to any person in Greater Shepparton who spends a significant amount of time outdoors and is at risk of mosquito bites.
Japanese encephalitis is caused by a virus transmitted to humans through infected mosquitoes.
While it is rare, Japanese encephalitis can cause a potentially severe brain infection.
The symptoms begin with a sudden onset of fever, headaches and vomiting, followed by more severe symptoms, including generalised weakness and movement disorders.
However, most infections are asymptomatic, with less than one per cent of people developing clinical disease.
To view available vaccination days and book an appointment online, visit Greater Shepparton City Council’s immunisation bookings website at
Vaccines are administered at Riverlinks Studio, 70 Welsford St, Shepparton, accessible via the old SAM entrance.
Despite the roadworks, Welsford St remains open to pedestrians.
For more information, please contact the council’s Environmental Health Department on (03) 5832 9700.