Brylie Barnes, Claudia Cecconi, Amy Payne, Emma Bourchier and Madison Knight.
Photo by
Owen Sinclair
A handful of up-and-coming firefighters are swapping their school uniforms for the red and white as they bring the heat to a statewide tournament this month.
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The students, along with a senior team, are heading to Mooroopna Recreation Reserve across two massive weekends to go hose-to-hose with brigades from around rural Victoria in the District 22 CFA Championships.
Emma Bourchier, Amy Payne, Madison Knight, Claudia Cecconi and Brylie Barnes make up the brigade’s junior team.
They’ll be joined by the likes of Evan Bourchier, Lachlan McColl, Lucas Spokes, and brigade captain Billy Logie in the senior team.
Later, both teams will compete in the CFA state championships on March 29 - March 30, also in Mooroopna.
Madison Knight, Amy Payne, Claudia Cecconi, Brylie Barnes and Emma Bourchier.
Photo by
Owen Sinclair
Over the last few weeks, the juniors have travelled to Springhurst and Gapsted to hone their skills in practice competitions.
While Emma Bourchier is the team’s newest member, the others, including Madison Knight, might be considered old hands in the business, having competed for the last four years.
Ms Knight said she had been looking forward to the event all year.
“I’ve always talked to this group of girls about it because I go to school with them, and I’m so excited for the fire running - all year round,” she said.
She admitted it’s a little nerve-racking performing in front of everyone.
“Two teams run at a time, so all the other teams, including their parents, are looking at us doing it,” she said.
“But once you do your first run, it becomes easier.”
The girls learned some lessons from last year’s competition.
“Definitely to be more organised,” Ms Knight said.
“There were a lot of times when we were all just sitting in our seats, our turn was called up, and we had to get ready. So definitely more organised.”
But there’s nothing like a hard lesson - and another chance - to bring a team together.
“I’m pretty confident in our team,” Ms Knight said.
“We’ve been together for a few years now, so I think we all know our parts really well. It just depends on the day.”
The championships may be a competition, but that doesn’t mean it’s about being too serious.
“Of course, I’m looking forward to competing, but I’m also looking forward to meeting lots of people from other districts around who come and join us,” Ms Knight said.
Ms Knight has always wanted to become part of the CFA.
“My dad and my sister are part of the CFA, so I always wanted to join,” she said.
“I really like the environment.
“And I just find it really cool going to fight fires.”
The CFA District 22 Rural Championships will kick off on Sunday, March 23.