The Victorian Government initiative is designed to support rural councils across Victoria to access technology upgrades to better service their communities.
Minister for Local Government Shaun Leane recently announced $7 million of funding has been awarded to rural councils through round two of the RCTP.
“Rural councils play a vital role in supporting their communities,” Mr Leane said.
“This funding will support rural councils to upgrade their technology systems to better serve their communities.”
Many rural councils face difficulties replacing ageing IT infrastructure and systems, which can prevent them from meeting the service standards they would like to deliver.
Round two is focused on helping rural councils collaborate and innovate.
Participating rural councils will be funded to implement new digital solutions that improve council service for rural communities.
The projects include:
- $1 million to Mansfield Shire Council, Benalla Rural City Council, Murrindindi Shire Council and Strathbogie Shire Council for new technology for records management, financial management, customer relationships and property and rating;
- $750,000 for Yarriambiack Shire Council, Ararat Rural City Council and Buloke Shire Council to implement new records management, emergency management, building and planning, asset management and data analytics technology;
- $750,000 to Golden Plains Shire Council, Hepburn Shire Council and Moorabool Shire Council for new asset management technology; and
- $500,000 to Central Goldfields Shire Council and Pyrenees Shire Council for new financial management, rates and property and customer relationship management technology.
Rural councils will also be supported by a new Rural Council Information (IT) Platform Strategy developed with support from Digital Victoria.
For more information about the RCTP and funded projects in round two visit
To find out more about the projects helping communities and businesses thrive in your local area, visit