Mission accomplished: Former Barooga Public School student Louan Walker with the current student cohort in front of a mural she has just finished.
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Barooga Public School has been given a facelift, courtesy of a beautiful mural painted by former student Louan Walker.
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Ms Walker is an accomplished muralist whose works have decorated buildings throughout NSW and her current home state of Queensland.
Ms Walker works under an alias, Pencilhead.
Principal Matt Collins said the painting was a whole school effort.
Belting a tune: The mural depicts a large corella, which is singing the school’s song.
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“All students contributed their own thoughts and ideas on what they would like included, in the form of sketches and motifs, which were forwarded on to Louan to consider in her planning,” Mr Collins said.
Among the depictions on the mural is a large corella, a cockatoo-like bird that often visits the students, which is seen belting out the popular school song.
“We requested our popular school song be included in the planning, as our students love belting out the lyrics at assembly each fortnight,” Mr Collins said.
Another image is of a bird ‘drinking’ from the fountain located on the building’s side.
Thirsty: A bird takes a sneaky drink from the water fountain.
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The students were able to watch Ms Walker work during their lunchtimes over the three days it took to paint the mural, as well as take part.
“Workshops during class enabled students with a creative interest to be involved directly in the painting,” Mr Collins said.
The mural has been described as a wonderful addition to the school, and helped lift up what Mr Collins described as a “tired wall”.
“The final result is amazing and has been well received by all community members,” he said.