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Fraud hijack | How I fell victim to credit card fraud and what you can learn from my experience

Fraud can happen to anyone.

While on holiday in Adelaide, a few days in, my wife noticed unusual transactions on our secondary bank account. The first one was a charge of about $140 from a burger place, which seemed odd, but we decided not to let it disrupt our trip. However, the next day, two more transactions appeared — one from Coles and another from a different store. At first, we thought my wife’s card, which we were using in South Australia, had been compromised, likely by a card skimmer. We contacted the bank and were surprised to find out that it was actually my card — the one I rarely use — that had been compromised. We immediately cancelled the card, and although three more attempts were made later that day, they were successfully blocked. Unfortunately, I had fallen victim to credit card fraud.

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